upon 0.3.0

A simple, powerful template engine


A simple, powerful template engine.



  • Expressions: {{ user.name }}
  • Conditionals: {% if user.enabled %} ... {% endif %}
  • Loops: {% for user in users %} ... {% endfor %}
  • Nested templates: {% include "nested" %}
  • Configurable delimiters: <? user.name ?>, (( if user.enabled ))
  • Arbitrary filter functions: {{ user.name | replace: "\t", " " }}


  • Clear and well documented API
  • Customizable value formatters: {{ user.name | escape_html }}
  • Render to a String or any std::io::Write implementor
  • Render using any serde serializable values
  • Convenient macro for quick rendering: upon::value!{ name: "John", age: 42 }
  • Minimal dependencies and decent runtime performance

Getting started

Your entry point is the Engine struct. The engine stores the syntax config, filter functions, and compiled templates. Generally, you only need to construct one engine during the lifetime of a program.

let engine = upon::Engine::new();

Next, .add_template is used to compile and store a template in the engine.

engine.add_template("hello", "Hello {{ user.name }}!")?;

Finally, the template is rendered by fetching it using .get_template and calling .render.

let template = engine.get_template("hello").unwrap();
let result = template.render(upon::value!{ user: { name: "John Smith" }})?;
assert_eq!(result, "Hello John Smith!");

If the lifetime of the template source is shorter than the engine lifetime or you don’t need to store the compiled template then you can also use the .compile function to return the template directly.

let template = engine.compile("Hello {{ user.name }}!")?;
let result = template.render(upon::value!{ user: { name: "John Smith" }})?;
assert_eq!(result, "Hello John Smith!");


Render using structured data

Here is the same example as above except using derived data.

struct Context { user: User }

struct User { name: String }

let ctx = Context { user: User { name: "John Smith".into() } };

let result = upon::Engine::new()
    .compile("Hello {{ user.name }}")?

assert_eq!(result, "Hello John Smith");

Transform data using filters

Data can be transformed using registered filters.

let mut engine = upon::Engine::new();
engine.add_filter("lower", str::to_lowercase);

let result = engine
    .compile("Hello {{ value | lower }}")?
    .render(upon::value! { value: "WORLD!" })?;

assert_eq!(result, "Hello world!");

See the Filter trait documentation for more information on filters.

Render a template using custom syntax

The template syntax can be set by constructing an engine using Engine::with_syntax.

let syntax = upon::Syntax::builder().expr("<?", "?>").block("<%", "%>").build();

let result = upon::Engine::with_syntax(syntax)
    .compile("Hello <? user.name ?>")?
    .render(upon::value!{ user: { name: "John Smith" }})?;

assert_eq!(result, "Hello John Smith");

Render a template to an impl io::Write

You can render a template directly to a buffer implementing io::Write by using .render_to_writer().

use std::io;

let stdout = io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout());

    .compile("Hello {{ user.name }}")?
    .render_to_writer(stdout, upon::value! { user: { name: "John Smith" }})?;

Add and use a custom formatter

You can add your own custom formatter’s or even override the default formatter using Engine::set_default_formatter. The following example shows how you could add debug formatter to the engine.

use std::fmt::Write;
use upon::{Formatter, Value, Result};

let mut engine = upon::Engine::new();
engine.add_formatter("debug", |f, value| {
    write!(f, "Value::{:?}", value)?;

let result = engine
    .compile("User age: {{ user.age | debug }}")?
    .render(upon::value! { user: { age: 23 } })?;

assert_eq!(result, "User age: Value::Integer(23)");


The following shows a violin plot of the benchmark results for upon compared to the following template rendering engines.

Obviously, each of these engines has a completely different feature set so this just compares the performance of some of the features that they share.

Violin plot of benchmark results


  • MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021)
  • Chipset: Apple M1 Pro
  • Memory: 16 GB


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